
High Performing Trader

High performance is often a perception created that is based on returns from the financial market, this is not the case. High performance encapsulates our understanding of self-image, our ability to manage risk, flawless execution and maintaining flow-state, returns generated from the financial markets are a by-product of this. At NJAT, we have aided in the formation of high-performing traders that consistently generate profits through this exact concept.

The technical aspect that we provide has been a process of refinement over 7+ years. Once this has been acquired, it will be paired with mental processes that will create a new self-image. This self-image will give you the understanding you need to navigate your way through the financial market and execute optimally. 

The NJAT understanding of traders before they join us on their journey is that they have a foundation and a preconceived idea of who they want to be, how they want to be viewed and what they want to gain from trading. We also understand that there is a lack of clarity between transitioning from this current self-image. This understanding is based on past experiences, not only from us, but the people who trade alongside us. We have been there.

We have the tools and processes to allow that change to happen, this is not a forced process. By obtaining these concepts, you will experience a natural progression into being the trader that you want to be. 

Psychology within trading is not a generic concept. Psychology is personal, it is ingrained within ourselves and adapted over time through experiences. Our mission at NJAT is to adapt your current psychological processes to align with the markets. From the moment you join us, we are observing you - identifying your personality traits both inside and outside of the markets to aid in understanding areas for development and strengthening.

Following this; we give you the tools you will require to elevate yourself into a profitable trader. These processes are tailored to suit you and you will master these processes through repetition. It will enable you to pre-plan your session and know exactly what to look for and where - giving you the highest probability trades the market has to offer.