Frequently Asked Questions
General questions:
Our youtube is an introduction to the concepts we break down in detail in our price action course. Inside NJAT you'll learn how to identify the concepts with specific rules, we share the logic of the concepts which gives you a repeatable framework to use. We have a step by step course that breaks down all the concepts we use.
Not only that, but we NEVER share our day trading strategies for entry on youtube because these are the money makers, we keep those strategies exclusively for our paid members. We have our daily progressive learning hosted on our discord so you can envelop yourself into the concepts and make the quickest progression possible in the shortest amount of time. If you're on the fence and want more information, we are always available in our chat in the bottom right - you will speak to us directly, not a bot.
Our YouTube is only a snippet of the information we provide, we do not hold back in our membership, you will learn the rules, processes, mindset and skills, everything you need to become a consistent profitable trader here. See our testimonials page! (link to page)
You will become a price action master with us. Our advanced price action reading ability is undoubtedly the best in the industry. The ability to read, understand and predict the next big move is a superpower for any strategy out there, it's the first layer to become a consistent trader.
Our day trading strategies are based on the facts of how price has moved since day 1 - so many strategies only work some of the time, we have developed our strategies to work in any and all market conditions so we never fear the market changing, we know exactly how to trade during each market condition with confidence.
You will learn to think in probabilities which is essential to trade consistently. Without this skill it doesn't matter what strategy you have, you won't ever be able to trade it consistently, so the final layer to our profitable traders is teaching them to think of trading as a game of probabilities so they detach from a single outcome and focus on a series of perfectly executed trades.
Sessions provide volume and opportunity for the biggest moves of the day where there are always moves happening. If our setup lines up with this specific time window we have created an incredibly high probability trading opportunity that's available to us nearly every single day. Evaporating the feelings of fomo in our trading.
If you truly put everything into the mentorship you can expect to see consistent results within 3-6 months. This requires your ALL, every single day, there is no half-hearting this, we have the information needed for you to grow at an incredible speed. Our step by step roadmap guides you through every step of the journey, and we are here every day to continue to push you to your limits and beyond, we have a competitive space perfect for growth. You will develop the internal principles and habits to achieve not only consistency in your trading, but skills that will take you into the 7, 8 and 9 figure trading ranges.
NJAT Concepts:
Banks and Financial Institutions - these are the entities that have the capital to move the markets, we follow their orders and their intentions to move prices higher or lower overtime.
Range, Initiation, mitigation, continuation - this is the way the BFIs create orders, initiate for higher or lower prices, create liquidity to target, mitigate their buy or sell liquidity orders and continue price in the direction they intended. Price delivery is the foundation for every trade ideas and entries.
OBs = Order Blocks = BFI Buy or Sell Liquidity orders - these are the orders we look to trade with, at good locations based on how price is delivered.
This is where BFIs Transact their buy or sell liquidity orders before they initiate higher or lower prices - this is also where we look for price to return to mitigate their orders.
Location in it’s simplest form is buying low and selling high, we use a tool to find the best chart locations at the best prices to give ourselves the highest probability of making money. Trading at good locations following intention is the key to successful trading technically.
When BFIs open positions they have to sell before they buy or buy before they sell, this is to create liquidity to transact their positions as every trade in the FX markets has to have a buyer and a seller. This means one position is running at a loss and one in profit, the mitigation is the closing of the loss orders, where lots are leaving the market and being transacted - where we see a reaction.
When the BFIs have transacted all their orders in the range they initiate price in one direction, this is an aggressive noticeable move in one direction showing intention through momentum.
Structure is created by BFIs Buy or Sell liquidity orders, structure is Higher Highs and Higher Lows or Lower Highs and Lower Lows and every higher Low or Lower high is a BFI order.
Any visa payments are available through our stripe payment system, if you wanted to pay via paypal or crypto please Contact Us
Yes, our members are always first to know, your dashboard will signal a brand new video, we also have announcements in our discord mentorship so you will never miss the latest upload.
Yes, we have both group call, and private 1-1 options available - see diamond page for more information. We guarantee your consistency in our private mentorship.
After enrolling, at the top of the dashboard you can see the “join discord” button - make sure you're logged into your discord and you don’t have pop ups blocked, and you can join through our website!