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World Class Forex Education

Follow in the footsteps of over 5,000 students.


15+ hours of step by step structured
price action mastery lessons

NJAT Concepts - Advanced Price
Action Mastery Course

The NJAT concepts, broken down into step by step mechanical rules with examples and explanations that anyone could understand. These advanced concepts that will turn you into a price action professional.


High risk to rewards

3 pip stop loss

An Advanced Strategy For Day Traders
  • Enter with accuracy using a 3pip Stop loss.
  • Trade with consistency in your session.
  • Overcome bad trading Habits holding you back.
  • Increase your edge with high performance.
  • Master the technical and understand every market move.

+ audio tapes

0-6 months Funded Roadmap

A step by step process from day 1 to fully funded with private equity or prop firm funding within 6 months. Every step you need to take to guarantee you reach your target in the most efficient and well understood way.

Weekly Lives

We host live, interactive webinars weekly. These webinars are topic-focussed. We delve deep into a specific topic, if you’re feeling perplexed, this is your chance to bring questions to the webinar.


Video course + PDF Blueprints

The Ultimate Goal Setting Course

Are you still in the same position you was 1 year ago? Burtons shared his step by step goal setting blueprint that took him from living at home with his parents to travelling all over the world living the ultimate freedom. Daily steps, with a long view and the correct habits and mindset is what it takes. He shares this process with the community for you to replicate.

The Power of Community

What can you expect within the discord?
You will have access to an abundance of traders that are experienced with our concepts, as well as ourselves. Questions will be answered promptly with detailed explanations to ensure your growth is continued. Live session discussion daily, allowing you to follow the flow of the markets and advance your progression. Combine this with daily mark-ups from our highly-skilled traders and you have a strong foundation for success.

Here’s what our students
have to say..
Over 5,000+ Students in
100+ Countries Impacted.


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